Film Poster Drafts

For my first idea, I am going to use the concept that young girls aspire to be princesses, and linking this to the theme that she feels that she is insufficient through showing her looking into a mirror, and a distorted version of herself staring back at her.

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I’m going to use perspective to manipulate what the poster is going to be about:

Image result for mirror photography techniques


I grew up watching films about princesses who all looked a certain way. Recently, more diverse representation is being called for, but this mentality that I should look a certain way has been ingrained in me.

Image result for disney princess

Image result for princess real lifeImage result for side profile female

I want to create a similar effect as in this image:

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The mirror could be cracked or split in half like this:

Image result for mirror photography techniquesImage result for mirror photography techniquesImage result for mirror photography techniques

My second idea is to highlight her distorted view of the world by placing objects in front of her eyes to distort her vision. Like this:

Related imageImage result for Julija Jankelaityte art

Or a similar idea where her body is being reflected. Like this:

Image result for Julija Jankelaityte artImage result for Julija Jankelaityte art7f4633cb5401364ef25296ca6ef2f623


I also like this idea of cutting her body up, symbolising how broken she is. I haven’t used photoshop before so I watched this video

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